Sunday, June 23, 2013

C4T #2

Comment for Teachers #2

For my second Comment for Teachers I was given Angela Maiers. She is an Author, Speaker, Writer, and a Teacher. Her slogan is "Together we are smarter". I'm so glad to have had the chance to read and explore her blog. I even followed her on Twitter. She has such a big heart when it comes to teaching kids and telling them that they DO matter and that people DO care for them. I watched a couple of her videos and was amazed at how much she put into children. In one of her videos she talks about how she just walked around with a journal and wrote in it what she had seen throughout the day. When the kids had figured out what she was doing with her journal and that she was writing about them they started doing the same thing and kept their own. They would see her in the hallway and tell her things that they had observed, because they wanted her to write it down and keep it for future information. She travels to schools everywhere and talks to students about how they all matter. I'm so inspired by what she does and I hope to one day be an inspiration to others like she is.

The first blog I read by Angela was Two days I'll never forget. In this post she talks about how she went for two days to Downington S.T.E.M. Academy and presented her Choose2Matter speech. In this speech she talked to a bunch of teens that really didn't care to be there at first and then when she talked about how just one person can change the world. Then the students started listening and jumped on board with the whole idea. The kids split off into groups and came up with ways to try and change the world. I commented on Mrs. Maiers blog post saying, "I'm a student from South Alabama in EDM310. I'm so glad that I got the chance to read this blog. I wanted to keep on reading and watching all the videos. Just amazing! I for sure want to use this in my future classroom. All it takes is just for one person to show that they care. Great job!" I received a response from her a couple of days later saying "Brittnee, So thrilled you found the blog and joined the conversation! Way to go for choosing the most awesome, rewarding, and needed profession in the world!"

kids holding up signs saying you matter
The second blog I read was The Best Ways to Let People Know They Matter. In this blog she talks about how you need to accept that you matter. She gives a link to another blog of hers called People Know They Matter When... This blog goes on to tell different ways people can feel that they matter. I commented saying, "Hello Angela, I'm so excited to keep reading your blog post.They really inspire everyone that reads them. Children and even adults need to know that they matter and by letting them know that they do could change them in some really positive ways. I know that if just one person says a positive thing to me I feel so much happier. I can just imagine what a child feels when they know that someone takes the time out to care for them."


  1. Your C4T #2 is interesting and thorough. Be sure to proofread.

    1. Thanks! I went back through and fixed mistakes that I found.

  2. "... was amazed at how much she put into children." This could be easily misinterpreted. Stuffing them with food? Be clear what you mean. I am not sure or I would suggest something.

    Add her to your PLN!
