Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Project #15 Project Based Learning Plan #3


  1. On slide 3, the second common core that you list is: Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. What question would the students have to meet this standard?

    I see where there are many opportunities for group work with this project which seems great.

    Make sure when you give the students the responsibility to search the internet on their own, you give them guidelines to search the internet wisely. There is more bad information on the internet than you might realize.

    You had a very detailed description of each day which is great.

    Stephen Akins

  2. See Stephen's comments.

    In addition...
    Slide 4 Why different books? Gather what information? How are you going to stage the writing? Outline (major points) first?

    Teacher asks what questions?

    Daily activities look good but writing steps needs work.

    Rubric has no content.
